Friday, July 16, 2010

Belvedere Lounge in Houston...what the VIP room rental rate and is it worth it? I cant ever get a live person.

If this is the right ';Bellvedere';, follow the link below. You can download a pdf file that contains the party contract (which actually only states room rates available on request, but also gives you some idea of what food is going to cost). But, you can email the general manager with your info request (just click on ';general inquiries and party bookings';. Maby you'll get an answer quicker that way.Belvedere Lounge in Houston...what the VIP room rental rate and is it worth it? I cant ever get a live person.
Dude, why did you ask the same question a SECOND time? Call during operating hours. You had a perfectly good and proper answer from CookingPancakes below.

I swear... some people need a few more brain cells.Belvedere Lounge in Houston...what the VIP room rental rate and is it worth it? I cant ever get a live person.
Their telephone line to book a party is,

713-426-5840. Good luck!
Hi there !! Just logged into the site %26amp; though I'm sure U have this info already....I wanted to try to help ya out. Maybe try faxing them a request for info on VIP room %26amp; fees associated w/the rental of it. I tried to get U any general inquiries/booking info but the link wasn't working properly. Sorry I couldn't b of more assistance. Best of Luck in your search. :)
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